At we adhere to all requirements and principles of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to ensure the security and privacy of our users’ personal information. This policy describes our practices regarding the collection, use, storage and protection of user data in accordance with the GDPR.

Data collection and use

  • Transparency: We clearly indicate the purposes for collecting personal data and obtain users’ consent to process it.
  • Necessity: We only collect data that is necessary to provide services and ensure the security of our platform.

User rights

  • Right of access and correction: Users have the right to access their personal data and the ability to correct it if necessary.
  • Right to erasure: Users may request erasure of their personal data if it is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.

Data protection

  • Technical Security Measures: We use state-of-the-art technical and organizational measures to protect personal data from unauthorized access, loss or disclosure.
  • Confidentiality: We ensure the confidentiality of personal data and do not transfer it to third parties without the explicit consent of the user, except as required by law.

Data management

  • Manage consents: We provide users with the ability to manage their consents to the processing of personal data and withdraw them at any time.
  • Data Deletion: We delete users’ personal data upon request or after the retention period specified in our policy has expired.

Employee training

All of our staff are GDPR trained and aware of their data protection responsibilities.

Benefits for users

  • Privacy: Users can be confident that their personal data is stored and processed confidentially and securely.
  • Control: GDPR gives users more control over their personal data, allowing them to manage their privacy settings and consents.

Response to user requests

  • Responsibility: We take users’ requests regarding their personal information seriously and strive to provide complete and accurate responses in a timely manner.
  • Transparency: We keep users informed about the processing of their requests and any changes to their data.

Compliance with storage periods

  • Data Accuracy: We ensure that personal data is accurate and up-to-date by retaining it only as long as necessary in accordance with our policy.

Continuous improvement

Monitoring and Review: We continually monitor and review our GDPR policy to ensure it complies with all requirements and regulations, and to implement any improvements or changes necessary to ensure maximum protection for user data.

Cooperation with Regulatory Authorities

Compliance: We cooperate with regulatory authorities and provide them with all necessary information and documentation to demonstrate compliance with GDPR requirements.

Conclusion’s GDPR policy not only ensures compliance with legal requirements, but also acts as an important tool to protect the interests and privacy of our users. We are committed to creating a transparent and responsible environment for the processing and storage of personal data, and our GDPR policy is a key element in achieving this goal. If you have any questions or comments regarding our GDPR policy, please contact us – we are always available to discuss and respond to your queries.